His faithfulness endures forever.
He set my feet on the rock to stand
He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies
He anoints my head with oil
My cup of favour is overflowing.
I am forever grateful for God's love toward me.
This year despite the great loss i suffered early in the year;has been a great year.
I have the most understanding family in the world as they supported my remarkable career change from the medical field to the media industry.
To my friends; Nonso-i wonder how you can stand me.lol
Kenny& Taiwo- I cant repay you for what you've done for me
Obehi,Tochukwu and so many more i can't mention.
To the one man that i can always count on;B.K.S. Thank you
To the one who has been here from the very beginning. Thank you Lord God almighty.