Have you ever been deep in thought or lost on an issue and suddenly someone says something.
Could be a passerby or in a conversation with a friend that you were half-listening to.
Suddenly! they say just the right word and it triggers answers in your mind, clear pictures showing you what to do.
It is an amazing feeling i must say.
The other person might have no idea how much they've helped but deep in your mind you know it.
If you are the expressive type you could give them a hug or even scream. lol.
Its a great feeling to have questions answered, mysteries solved, ideas conceived by the trigger of one word or sentence.
That's how the Revealed word of God (Rhema) feels. A word in due season.
When the holy Spirit uses a particular scripture to minister to you in your dire time of need.
It boosts your faith, it excites you.
His word reveals the mysteries of his purpose and plan for your life Ephesians 1vs 8-10.
As people who have to work everyday, its not easy to spend reasonable time studying the Word of God but if we would remember that just as the body needs food.
The soul also needs to be fed. And one way or the other it will be fed. So won't you rather consciously feed your soul with God's word, or unconsciously allow it to be constantly fed with all the garbage in this world.
Reading the Bible cannot be seen as a daily routine or you would miss the whole point, its a process of edifying your soul as you did your body with physical food.
There is a word for you today about that Situation you are in.
Take time to study and meditate on God's word today.
Let it be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Psalm 119 vs 105, 2 peter 1vs 19
God Bless you
Photo credits. holybible.ucoz.org